Hawthorn collection - Medicinal Garden

2022-09-16 22:40:59 By : Mr. Guote China

How do you recognize hawthorn and why should you collect it?Hawthorn is easy to recognize and collect, and it enriches your home medicine cabinet with a very beneficial herb.Hawthorn is very easy to recognize and collect.While there are hundreds of hawthorn species in the world, this is limited to a few species in Hungary.It is interesting that each of the nearly three hundred species enriches the flora of the northern hemisphere.It belongs to the rosaceae family, so it is related not only to roses and apples, but also to cherries, peaches, bird's bramble and meadow fan grass.Crataegus monogyna and Crataegus laevigata syn. C. oxyacanthoides, as well as their mixtures, hybrids and subspecies, are used as medicinal plants.The single-seeded hawthorn and the replacement hawthorn turn red from afar in autumn, "glow", as Sándor Weöres sang in his poem The Hawthorn.Who does not know the first few lines of the poem?"On an autumn night the hawthorn glows, the hawthorn's dress glows..."The direct relatives of the single-seeded hawthorn are the black hawthorn (C. nigra) protected in our country, whose fruits are black, the five-seeded hawthorn (C. pentagyna), whose fruits contain five seeds, and the French or azarol hawthorn (C. azarolus), which is the Mediterranean hawthorn spread across countries.Black hawthorn is not collected due to its protection, and azarol hawthorn is mainly used in the Mediterranean countries for drug production.There are also species grown for their fruit (e.g. Chinese, Oriental, Amur hawthorn), whose medicinal value and use we have little data on.The monocot and the alternate hawthorn are thorny shrubs and smaller trees, and it is difficult to distinguish them from each other, but it is not absolutely necessary.The VIII.The Hungarian Pharmacopoeia does not differentiate between them either, they are officially known as hawthorn leaf and flower (Crataegi folium cum flore) and hawthorn fruit (Crataegi fructus).Both hawthorns bloom in May-June.Their large tentacles are made up of five-petalled white flowers, the elliptical petals are free standing.Their houses are in the lower position.The flowers have 10 stamens in two whorls.The most important difference between the two species is that the one-seeded hawthorn has one, while the replacement hawthorn has two single-seeded drupes ("seeds") inside the pseudofruit.In the case of the one-pilled hawthorn, one pistil emerges from the center of the fruit's pistil, while in the alternate hawthorn, two pistils emerge.In addition, the leaf blade of the replacement hawthorn is lobed and unevenly serrated only in the upper third, and the calyx is covered with hairs on both sides of the replacement hawthorn, and only on the outer side of the one-seeded hawthorn.The one-seeded hawthorn is widespread in our country both on the plains and in the hilly areas: along fields, in groves, in bush forests, on sandy wastelands.The hawthorn is more of a plant of mountain and hilly areas, it occurs on grassy slopes, forest edges, beeches, oaks, and thickets.In principle, it cannot be confused with anything.In practice, it is necessary to safely separate it from other red-fruited shrubs, as there are also poisonous ones among them.It is sometimes confused with Sorbus aucuparia, although its fruits are orange and its leaves do not even resemble hawthorn leaves.In addition to the fact that hawthorn is easily recognized wherever it is found, it does not occur singly, but almost in masses, which is why it is one of the particularly easy-to-collect herbs.Hawthorn bushes produce large quantities of flowers, flowering shoots and berries, so it is not necessary to cover large areas to collect the required amount.Always follow the written and unwritten rules for collecting wild herbs.For example, never pluck a single bush, collect the necessary amount from several bushes.In the case of hawthorn, we have work to do both in spring and autumn.In the spring (in May), we collect the flowery, leafy shoots, less often the flowers and leaves, and in the fall, the pseudofruits of the red bone stream, i.e. the hawthorn berries - before they are fully ripe.When collecting the inflorescence and the end of the flowering shoots, do not tear them, but cut them with scissors.The collection is preferably carried out in sunny weather, when the first buds open.The leaves are collected in the spring, before flowering, when their active ingredient content (especially their flavonoid content) is optimal.The fruits are collected in late summer and autumn, before full ripening, when the fruits are already red, but not yet soft.The soft fruit cannot be dried, it easily rots and moulds.If possible, the collection should be done in sunny, dry weather.Harvesting hawthorn requires caution due to the thorns on the plant.The white flowers dry to a buttery yellow color, meaning they do not stay white.This is the result of a natural process, but browned flowers become worthless.Therefore, quick and gentle drying is necessary, which means that the shoot ends spread out in as thin a layer as possible are dried in a shaded, airy place without turning.It can also be dried in a tumble dryer if max.The temperature can be set to 30-40 degrees Celsius.The fruits are less sensitive, in industrial conditions they are dried in an artificial dryer at 60-70 degrees Celsius, and in home conditions you can use a dryer, convection oven (or a gas oven with an open door), but drying can also take place on top of cupboards, on an oven bench and near a radiator.The fruits are purplish-red when dry, the browned fruits are worthless, just like the browned flowers.For eating purposes, fresh fruits can be frozen after washing.Or you can make a tincture and syrup from the berries for the herbal home pharmacy.Herbal home pharmacyIf we have a garden, we can also grow hawthorn at home.A family's needs are amply satisfied by one or two bushes.One- or two-year-old seedlings or root shoots of older plants can be used for propagation.We can expect a full harvest from the fourth or fifth year.Hawthorn is a fairly safe, mild herb whose effects are excellent for the prevention and treatment of various heart complaints.It is also beneficial in case of senile heart failure, mild heart rhythm disorder, heart nervousness.In folk medicine, it was used to treat rapid heartbeat, high blood pressure and heartache.Studies have shown that by increasing the force of contractions, it improves heart function, helps prevent heart rhythm disorders, improves coronary circulation, lowers blood pressure and is beneficial for the condition of blood vessels.It is extremely safe to use compared to the powerful heart-acting herbs and/or drugs, cardiac glycosides, but consultation with the treating physician is necessary when taking medication.In addition to this most important field of application, it can also be used for digestive problems and skin problems, and it is also worth mentioning as an immune booster, anti-inflammatory, general tonic and supporter of mental health.As an edible plant, we mainly use hawthorn berries, which taste similar to apples, but have a dry, slightly mushy texture.It can be used to make delicious jam and cake filling, or it can be used to flavor (or even completely replace) homemade ketchup.It can be baked into cakes, made into various sauces and dips, flavored with breakfast porridge, added to smoothies, i.e. used just like any other berry, while also enjoying its positive effects.Thank you for visiting my site.If you liked the article, please share it with your friends.Images labeled gyogyfuveskertem.hu © Szikora HildaSource of other images: pixabay.comYou must be logged in to post a comment.